Sunday, October 27, 2024

Do you have a Running Bucket list

 Hello Friends!

Do you have a running Bucket list?

I decided that the need for a BUCKET LIST of things that I want to accomplish is prudent.  

 I think this is something that most runners should consider. The first items I added to my bucket list were simple.  I decided that I want to run a race at every possible distance up to 50K.  This was a great idea because I could also obtain some new PR’s with these new and obscure distances.    The next items were a little bit dreamy and not as easy to achieve but were well worth putting on the list.  I thought running a few more marathons were in the picture.  I decided that New York and London Marathons should be on the list and possible all the marathon Majors.  Then I thought how about trying something a little bit crazy.  I added to the list Running of the Bulls in Spain to try something with heart pumping adrenaline.  As I worked on this list I came to the conclusion that there will never be an end to my bucket list and always something I will aspire too.  I believe that every runner needs something to dream about even if you are not into racing.  It gives you a purpose to get out and run on the tough and stressful days.

Good Running

The Tomahawk Run

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