Saturday, January 15, 2022

Have you felt Foxy today?

 Have you Ran today?

Tell us about your run, we always love to hear from you!

Today it was -2.8 when I woke, I made coffee and the aroma consumed me as I thought about what I was going to wear on my long run.  I poured my first cup of morning joe and slowly sipped on it as I laid out my running gear. 

I opted for my medium cold weather gear, and I was out the door to meet my running friends. I arrived at our meeting point and waited for people to arrive.  The sun was peeking over the morning horizon, and it was time to go.  We took off on our run and I mentioned there was less than 100 days before Boston and I needed to ramp up my training as I was going to run it this year.   It has been 15 years since I ran Boston and I have forgotten what training for a spring marathon was like. 

 I have always run year-round regardless of the weather, but the importance of quality training is now at the top of my list.  As we ran, we talked about how we have trained in the past, the good the bad and the ugly. The miles flew by as we talked about training and the importance of a few rest days in the training plan.  As we hit 4.5 miles, we saw an eagle by the Chippewa River sitting on a branch looking at us as we ran.  The winter sun was shining on this huge bird, and we wished we had a camera to catch this wonderful sight.

As the miles built, we ran buy the high bridge.  This is a bridge in Eau Claire Wisconsin that we ran across for years, but it is currently under repairs.  We stopped for a minute to examine and marvel at the work that was being undertaken.  They built a temporary road across our wonderful Chippewa River to make the repairs to this bridge which we wished we could have run across.  However, after a minute we were back on the run putting one foot in front of the other.  The miles were clicking off again and we were again chattering like chatter boxes about our upcoming races or possible races.  As we finished this great 11 mile run, the sun was bright and the cold was not cold for the sun made the day wonderful!

As we parted ways, I felt the runners high on the way home and I basked in the winter sun feeling wonderful as I drove.  When I got home and pulled my vehicle in my garage.  I entered my home and I looked out my back yard window.  I saw two foxes frolicking in my yard by my garden.  They were so beautiful, there fur was so full and thick, and their play was addictive to watch, and I could not stop.  They dug in the snow and played all day and then they curled up in little balls on top of the snow and they slept away.

I knew after watching their play, my running could not wane. So, Sunday’s run will be full of play as I run 10 miles frolicking like the foxes in play.   I hope you too have a great day running and frolicking like foxes in play!

  Say la vie

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